The Mysterious Guardians Stage a Mind-blowing introduction to the Human race . . .

The Guardians

The Guardian’s ship, Earth’s orbit, July 2058

During the scorching summer of 2058, the mysterious Guardians staged a mind-blowing introduction to the human race – unlike anything ever witnessed before. In a breathtaking flash of light, they whisked away the entire Cabinet and the Prime Minister from their meeting at 10 Downing Street to a hidden spacecraft orbiting Earth. Taking on human appearances and communicating in English, they revealed themselves as Cosmic Overseers, tasked with the delicate duty of safeguarding universal equilibrium.

On that historic day, three Guardians were present, and it was evident they had gone to great lengths in their appearance, representing a diverse spectrum of races, genders, and ages. Among them stood an elderly Caucasian man, a middle-aged black woman, and a teenage Asian boy.

In hindsight, those in attendance couldn’t shake the sense that their hosts seemed a little disconcerting, because despite their efforts to mimic human appearances, there lingered a subtle yet undeniable peculiarity in their demeanour. It was as if they hadn’t fully completed their transformation into human form, and a part of the original essence remained. But, deciphering what that part might be proved impossible.

What made it all the more strange was their manner of speech. All three spoke in English, but with a nuanced touch of received pronunciation, almost as if they had learned the language by studying reruns of the King’s annual Christmas speech or BBC documentaries from the 1950s.

Confronted with this astonishing introduction, the bewildered politicians had no option but to accept their captors’ claims. After all, they were standing aboard a spaceship, peering through an expansive viewport at planet Earth. Beneath them, on that mesmerising blue orb, oceans and continents melded into a stunning mosaic of colours, cradling the people they loved. This was their home – though at the moment there seemed to be some doubt about how long this might remain the case.

The Guardians forewarned of Earth’s impending fate, predicting its destruction in the year 2086, just twenty-eight years in the future. This catastrophic event, with its potential to claim billions of lives, was a tragedy they were determined to prevent. They emphasised that the consequences would ripple through the universe, causing untold disruption in countless other cosmic systems. Intervention wasn’t a suggestion – it was an absolute imperative.

The overseers were a mysterious race, veiled in secrecy. They held extensive knowledge of the universe, yet they protected this wisdom with the utmost discretion. Concerning Earth’s looming fate, they disclosed two pivotal details: it would unfold in 2086, and be orchestrated by a rogue faction from the UK.

The Guardians drove home the point that this limited information wasn’t some clever ruse – it represented, in fact, the absolute extent of their awareness. The event loomed like a colossal shadow, a cataclysm so devastating it had cast a shroud over even their keen perception. Its titanic scale had extinguished their usual insights, leaving them fettered in the dark, armed only with this meagre, half-formed comprehension.

They revealed their audacious plan: to bestow upon humanity the unprecedented power of time travel. This gift held within its grasp the boundless potential to mend the scars of the past, to sculpt a new narrative for history, and to present the world with an extraordinary opportunity for a future steeped in prosperity and promise. This monumental gesture heralded a paradigm shift in the course of human destiny, inviting humans to wield time itself as a tool for their collective salvation.

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