Victor Searches for a HQ and Decides on HMS Vanguardia . . .

HMS Vanguardia

London, August 2058

Provided with vast resources and the highest authority, Victor embarked on a mission to secure the perfect headquarters for his organisation, now named The Shadow Directorate (SHADO) by none other than the Prime Minister himself.

Names weren’t a priority for Victor; he had more crucial matters to worry about. Yet, this one struck a chord with its sharpness. It encapsulated the essence of a clandestine team involved in time travel missions, evoking secrecy, authority, and mystique. Moreover, it was the PM’s decision, and Victor had neither the time nor the inclination for prolonged discussions about titles.

The name of the organisation wasn’t relevant anyway, they were a secret organisation and they couldn’t operate under this title. Instead, they took on MI5 aliases, which provided them with the crucial access required to unlock any doors they encountered.

Victor searched for a site secluded from prying eyes and fortified for utmost security. It needed to be spacious enough to accommodate the Cabinet members and their families and friends. but there was also a necessity for a clearly-defined area where his agents could train and reside, isolated from civilians.

At first, he faced difficulties in locating a suitable location. It was only when he pondered the importance of maintaining utmost secrecy for the project that the old adage – Loose lips sink ships – flashed into his mind, sparking the idea of using an actual ship.

Victor focused his attention on HMS Vanguardia, a Batch 2 River-class offshore patrol vessel displaying the Royal Navy’s ensign. Launched in April 2018, she had weathered four decades of faithful service, undertaking a wide range of missions, from intercepting drug traffickers and smugglers to safeguarding the territorial waters of the United Kingdom. With a top speed exceeding 20 knots and an impressive range of more than 5,500 nautical miles, the ship presented an ideal platform for their operations. The vessel was equipped with an AgustaWestland AW159 Wildcat helicopter, which, although not the newest model, was maintained in mint condition.

Designed for patrol and monitoring missions, Vanguardia wasn’t outfitted for direct combat engagements. However, it boasted defensive capabilities, featuring an MSI DS30M Mark 2 Automated Small Calibre Gun, decoy launchers to fend off incoming missiles or torpedoes, a varied assortment of small arms stored in the ship’s armoury, and a comprehensive array of radar, sensors, and surveillance equipment to detect and evade potential threats.

The vessel was moved to HMNB Portsmouth, a facility known for its extensive ship maintenance, repair, and refitting expertise. Victor met with the refit team, providing them with specific instructions on his requirements. Utilising advanced Naval CAD software, refit schematics were generated in just two days.

Given the utmost priority, the refurbishment of Vanguardia was accomplished in a mere twenty weeks. In the Christmas week of 2058, Cabinet members, along with their families and friends, were welcomed on board. Having spent the preceding four months confined to a secure Army barracks, they relished the change of scenery.

The plan involved keeping them on board until the actual launch of time travel operations, at which point, they would be permitted to return home. Victor’s hope was for everyone to fully grasp the significance of maintaining secrecy. Failing that, he hoped any talk of time travel or extraterrestrials would be met with the same scepticism as everyday conspiracy theories usually do.

Moreover, Victor found solace in the knowledge that each person had signed an updated version of the Official Secrets Act. Revealing their experiences would lead to a lengthy prison sentence in a facility far from the norm.

Aside from the standard areas like the deck, bridge, cargo holds, and engine room, the ship underwent a thorough revamp, resulting in three distinct sections, all equipped with their own galley, sickbay and supplies.

One section designed specifically to cater for the comfort and requirements of the Cabinet members and their family and friends, featured all essential amenities and was furnished to the standards of a four-star hotel. This area boasted en-suite cabins, an entertainment room, a cinema, a bar, classrooms, and direct access to the deck.

In stark contrast, the crew quarters were designed for functionality, efficiency, and compactness, containing bunks stacked in two tiers, shared ablution facilities, a mess area, and a gymnasium.

The largest area was the agent’s section, comprising single cabins, training rooms, an indoor shooting range, and a well-stocked armoury. This area was immediately referred to as the Hub.

Numerous uncertainties surrounded this operation, especially concerning the time travel apparatus. Victor lacked knowledge of its size, so ample space was allocated within the Hub to accommodate whatever resources the Guardians might provide. Later on, Victor would laugh about this, admitting that he had pictured enormous metallic time machines with oversized dials, levers and miles of cables, reminiscent of those seen in classic time travel movies from his childhood.

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